Want to pray with fire?  Sign up to 24/7 prayer now!

Over the last few weeks we have been exploring the area of prayer in our series 'praying with fire.'  During this series we have been looking at why we should pray and how we should pray becoming more daring in our expectation.  We now have the opportunity to do this together as a community.  From the 13th - 20th Sept we will be running a 24/7 prayer program with 330 (30 minute) prayer slots, 3 prayer gatherings with limited spaces at Lounge ONE and 3 online prayer gatherings with limitless spaces on ZOOM.  In his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul encourages us to pray without ceasing.  So we're going to do just that [literally] together as a community.  To participate in this week of prayer you need book a slot (or ten) and save a space.  Say it with me, 'Book a slot and Save a space.'  

If you'd like to join us at an online prayer gathering on ZOOM (15th & 17th Sept 7.30PM - 8.30PM), you can do so here - 

Tuesday / Meeting ID: 970 9224 6599 / Passcode: 247pray

Thursday / Meeting ID: 967 1418 4105 / Passcode: 247pray

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Book a slot.

During 24/7 we have 330 prayer slots available for booking.  They are 30minutes in length each making it convenient around your work rhythm, however, if you have more time available you can book slots back to back.  


Save a space.

During 24/7 we will be hosting 3 (physical) prayer gatherings at Lounge ONE.  These will happen on 14th / 16th / 18th September from 7.30PM - 8.30PM.  Due to current COVID restrictions we have limited spaces so make sure you book your space fast. 

Please note: You need to book to attend, face coverings must be worn and social distancing rules will be practiced. 


“Faith doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid. Faith means you don’t let fear stop you.” ― Craig Groeschel, Dangerous Prayers

Book a slot.

Save a space.